25.000 euros
30.000 euros
24.052 euros
12.500 euros
51.000 euros
Prix annuel: 3.000 euros par lauréat
Prix annuel: 6.500 euros par lauréat
Dr Bart Depreitere, Président de BSN
Nicole Braekman, Présidente de la Fondation
The congress of the EANS (European Association of Neurosurgical Societies) took place in Brussels at the end of October 2018. During the closing ceremony, Joost Dejaegher received the “Aesculap EANS Research Price for best Laboratory Paper”, where he presented his work, mentioning the Fondation Helaers as one of his supporters.
7.500 euros
48.000 euros
18.600 euros / 2 ans
22.000 euros